Occupational Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Health Coach
Welcome to OT SHELLEY. My Mission is to help my clients overcome neurological and sensory challenges, feel empowered and get back to an active life. I specialize in Concussion and Neurodevelopment. I am a holistic OT, incorporating yoga, mindset, nature and play into my practice.

​Upcoming Events
Occupational Therapy
Client will be seen in their own life setting for assessment and therapuetic intervention.
This is a12 week online program. Small group support. Yoga, education and lifestyle based. Get coached by a professional.Be ready for change.
Private Yoga Sessions
Yoga for those with concussion, injury, chronic pain, or neurological differences; small group or individual

Hi I'm SHELLEY (2024)
My full name is Shelley Latendresse. I live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, just a 5 minute walk from the Ocean.
And I'm not just any Health Coach.
I am a registered Occupational Therapist with 25 + years experience in brain injury, neurology and neuro development. My speciality areas and OT training includes Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, and Traumatic Brain Injury. I have trained under Kim Barthel, OT in Functional Neurobiology.
I’m a lifetime member of Concussion Nerds program which keeps concussion clinicians up to date on best practices (@natasha.wilch ) I'm also a certified yoga instructor; I teach classes at Open Space Yoga, have my own Vitality Yoga Program and offer private Post Concussion Yoga.
I’ve been a speaker on several podcasts such as Concussion Inc, Brain Wellness and Chiro Hustle, discussing my own personal history of concussion and where I see the gaps in care.
My own personal experience with multiple concussions and persistent symptoms is what led me to my current role working in OT and coaching for concussion.
My love of nature and physical activity shows in my social media posts; I love the ocean, road cycling, running, hiking and animals and I spend a lot of my time outdoors. I find spirit there, and as well incredible nervous system regulation.
Something else about me: I embrace change and believe in possibilities. I’m an innovator.
Some projects under my belt include TV Show host, Dizzy Yoga classes, opening my own OT clinic ( Children’s Wellness Centre), creating a Love Your Brain Bike team and Farm Therapy.
AND…Concussion Coaching. The creation of THREE my three month post concussion program recovery program, has been a few years in the making, and launched last year.
My program THREE includes all the education I would give my concussion clients as an Occupational Therapist, PLUS so much more, like journaling and weekly progressive yoga classes. Humor and optimism is part of my coaching, but I also provide you with the science of concussion, real tools and practices that can be implemented to boost your rehabilitation from home.
Real Life Therapy. Natural settings...

Or...Online Programs. Education.Consultation.Yoga.
New from OT Shelley
Stop waiting for others to heal you. Get in the driver's seat of your own recovery!
Here you will find real tools and movement practices to get you out of symptoms and back to an active life. We consider all three aspects of mind-body and spirit in your recovery. CLick above for all the details!!